I think I may sometimes be waaaaaay too romantic (but you know, in a litterary way). Aouch !
The other day, I was watching Thibaut drawing. He was adding waves on a very dark sea, on a night scene. It suddenly took me back to Mersin, one night, when I got stuck watching the sea. I really like the sea at night.
I really like the sea at night, even though it can be a bit scary. The horizon blures the limit between the water and the sky, and you can sense the wet and salty smell of the sea better than during the day. In Mersin, there are ships far away on the water that seem to be surrounding the city. It makes wanna cry.
Pourquoi j'ai envie de pleurer quand je regarde la mer, particulièrement la nuit ?
Why does watching the sea make me wanna cry, especially at night ?